Alliance Elections

The following are the results of the recent elections. President: Brother F. Dekarlos Blackmon (Knights of Peter Claver , USA) Deputy President: Brother Colin Walsh (Knights of the Southern Cross, Australia) These officers will serve for the Term 2015 – 2017 and will be installed in Perth in September Niall...

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Brother Frank Wightman RIP

With great sadness I announce the death of Frank Wightman. Frank was a past Supreme Knight of the Knights of da Gama and a Past President of the Alliance. He served in both roles with distinction and exceptional fraternity. Holy Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul....

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2015 IACK Convention

Dear Brothers, I wish to give preliminary notice of the 2015 International Council meeting. The details to hand are: Location: Pan Pacific Hotel, Perth, Australia Date: Arrival: 5 September 2015. Departure 12 September 2015 Visa Requirements: Brothers should check visa requirements for entry into Australia based on their country of residence....

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