International Essay Competition

The International Alliance of Catholic Knights is announcing an International Essay Competition for young people in the last three years of Secondary School. The competition will be run nationally by the Orders in the counties below: The winner of each national competition will go forward to the International Competition United...

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Michael Bell memorial Award 2015

         M. Jean Bruneau, Mauritius, received the 2015 Michael Bell Memorial Award 2015 for being an expression of Jesus’ love among prisoners.  He has been a silent sufferer of human sufferings  for the unjust and condemned inmates of prisons in Mauritius. The award was presented by Brother Cyrl Fernand,...

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Knights of St. Thomas More

The Knights of St. Thomas More, Brussels, held a Mass of Installation of a new Supreme Executive on Saturday 24th June 2017.  The Mass was held at the Church of St. Anthony in Kraainem which is the English-speaking parish in Brussels. Brother Gerard Payne was installed as Supreme Knight.  The...

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