Alliance Elections

The following are the results of the recent elections. President: Brother F. Dekarlos Blackmon (Knights of Peter Claver , USA) Deputy President: Brother Colin Walsh (Knights of the Southern Cross, Australia) These officers will serve for the Term 2015 – 2017 and will be installed in Perth in September Niall...

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International Council Elections

I am pleased to announce the results of the recent elections as follows: Elected as President of the Alliance for the Term 2013 to 2015- Brother David Huppatz. Brother David is currently the Deputy President of the Alliance and a Past Supreme Knight of the Knights of the Southern Cross,...

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Election of International Alliance President for 2003/2005

With much pleasure we are able to inform members that our serving Deputy International President Brother Niall Kennedy been elected unopposed as International Alliance President for the period 2003 – 2005. The congratulations and assurance of the co-operation and prayerful support of all members of our Alliance has been conveyed...

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