Formation and development
The International Alliance of Catholic Knights was founded in Glasgow, Scotland, on October 12th 1979 at a meeting of the leaders of kindred Orders of Catholic Knights, convened on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of the Knights of Saint Columba. The Orders represented were the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Saint Columbanus, Knights of the Southern Cross Australia, Knights of the Southern Cross New Zealand and the Knights of Saint Columba.
This meeting resolved that these Fraternal Orders would found an International Alliance for the purpose of working together for the mutual advantage of the individual Member Orders and the extension of Catholic Knighthood throughout the world. It was agreed the Supreme Knight or National President of each Member Order would form an International Council which would meet annually and be responsible for the organisation and development of the new Alliance.
The Leaders present at this historic gathering are recognised as the Founders of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights and they were:-
- Supreme Knight, Tony Rouse, Knights of Saint Columba, President
- Supreme Knight, Virgil C. Dechant, Knights of Columbus
- Supreme Knight, James J. Eccles, Knights of Saint Columbanus
- National President, Peter Taylor, Knights of the Southern Cross Australia
- Supreme Knight, Alan M. Diesel, Knights of Da Gama
- Supreme Knight, Dr. Kevin Greene, Knights of the Southern Cross New Zealand
Orders of Catholic Knights who are part of the Alliance
Since its foundation nine other Orders of Catholic Knights have been admitted to the Alliance:-
- 1983 – The Knights of Marshall, Ghana
- 1986 – The Knights of Saint Mulumba, Nigeria
- 1987 – The Knights of Peter Claver, United States of America
- 1992 – The Knights of Saint Virgil, Austria
- 1992 – The Fraternal Order of Saints Peter and Paul, The Gambia
- 1997 – The Knights of Saint Gabriel, the International Diplomatic Service
- 1998 – The Knights of Saint Thomas the Apostle, Pakistan
- 2000 – Ordre des Chevaliers de Marie Reine de la Paix, Mauritius
- 2001 – The Knights of Saint Thomas More, Belgium.
The International Council
The International Council is a forum in which the leaders of Member Orders discuss matters of common concern and agree the future development of the Alliance. Since the Foundation meeting the Council has met at the following venues, under these International Presidents:-
By a Decree dated 14th. of April 1992.the International Alliance of Catholic Knights was given official recognition by the Vatican as an International Catholic Association of the Faithful, in accordance with codes 298 – 311 and 321 – 329 of the Code of Canon Law.
The development and work of the member Orders of Catholic Knights is fulfillment of the vision of the Rev Father Michael J McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus. Knights throughout the world give thanks to Almighty God for this holy and virtuous priest, especially on 14th August each year, the anniversary of his death in 1890, and we pray for his canonization.