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Christmas Message from the International President 2020

Dear Brothers

As I sit down to write this Christmas message to the Alliance I am reminded of what I wrote in March as we approached Easter. I said that I didn’t think that any previous International President had penned an Easter message under the restrictions imposed on us by Covid-19.

Little did I know that 9 months a later the same restrictions would still apply to so much of our world.

It has been a year when so much of our normal day to day life has changed. A year when what we took for granted no longer applies and a year in which many of us have lost friends and family.

But during these dark days I am reminded that throughout history we as Christians have faced many tests and ordeals. Times when it has seemed that the darkness would never end. Times when it seemed that our prayers had gone unanswered but we also know that these trials do eventually end and I am sure the same will happen this time.

The darkness will diminish and the light of our Lord will once again prevail.

As we journey by the light of the star to the Manger in Bethlehem once again, we remember that God is always with us in our lives. That his love knows no bounds and that it is that love that gives us the strength to get through the difficulties we face.

And we will, with his help and protection, do just that.

So at this most blessed time let us celebrate the birth of our Saviour and on behalf of myself and Sandra let me wish all our Brothers and Families within the Alliance a Holy and Happy Christmas.

And let us keep the words of the prophet Isaiah in our heart:

“For a son has been born for us, a son has been given to us, and dominion has been laid on his shoulders; and this is the name he has been given, “Wonder Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace”.

May God bless us all.
Brother Charlie McCluskey KSG
International President

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