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Christmas Message from the International President 2019

Dear Brother Knights and Ladies throughout the world,

Once again, we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and I am sure many of you will feel like me that it all seems to come around so quickly. In fact, in my own country this year it seems that the Christmas season began directly after Halloween at the beginning of November. Shops were full of Christmas items and decorations were being put up on our high streets just as we as Catholics were remembering those who have gone before us to their eternal rest. And in fact, the whole season of Advent for many has not existed. I believe this is so sad as these four weeks when we prepare for the great Christmas Feast are so important.

My own parish priest in his homily on the second Sunday of Advent spoke passionately about this. The message of preparation is so important in the teachings of the Church. As St John the Baptist said “Prepare a way for the Lord. Make his path straight” 

As Catholic Knights and Ladies I believe that this should be our clarion call. Where we see society straying from the path of truth it is our solemn duty to bring our friends, families and communities back on track.

Today, in parts of our world our Christian message is being ignored or worse still obliterated, and it is not always easy for human beings to swim against the tide of indifference, ridicule or even violence; but we as part of the Lay Apostolate must do exactly that. In each of our Orders we take an oath of loyalty to our faith and it is our duty to evangelise the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to defend his teachings.

So, as we end this great season of Advent, this season of preparation, let us truly prepare that way of the Lord. Let us stand up and truly make the path of truth straight again throughout our world, and in doing so we will welcome the birth of our Saviour with joy and optimism.

And loudly proclaim “Today a Saviour has been born for us, he is Christ the Lord.”

On behalf of Sandra and I, may we wish all of you, your friends and families a happy, holy and blessed Christmas and a peaceful and successful 2020.

Brother Charlie McCluskey KSG

International President

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