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Easter Message from the International Chaplain


International Knights

Easter Message,  2019


In the early Church, when one Christian would greet another, often they would say: “He is risen.” And the other would respond, “He is risen, indeed!”

This simple statement sits at the heart of the Christian message. So, my Easter message is quite simple really, because I believe that God has come definitively into our world in Jesus Christ – and that God raised Him up from the dead, which shows that ultimately there is hope, there is meaning and there is victory.

My message, then, is first of all, Jesus’ message when He rose from the dead and said, “Peace be with you,” and I pray therefore and hope confidently for peace – peace in our hearts, peace in our homes and peace in our world. I pray particularly for peace in your own hearts and homes because it is out of that you generate peace to others.

My second message is again from the words of Jesus. He said to His disciples, “Do not be afraid,” and that is my message to you. He is with you through His Holy Spirit, He’s with you through the example of His Son Jesus Christ, He’s with you as you go about your work as a Knight; so do not be afraid, have courage because in His Resurrection, in His new life, God in Jesus has overcome the world. He is Risen, indeed, Alleluia

I wish you a very, very happy and holy Easter – may God bless you.

Most Reverend Leslie Tomlinson

Bishop of Sandhurst, Australia


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