IACK Christmas Message

December 2018
My Dear Brother Knights,
In the infant of Bethlehem, the Son of God became part of human history. This Christmas we are invited to go in spirit back to the Manger in Bethlehem and to give thanks that the meaning of human history is to be found in the most unlikely places where our Saviour was born.
“Let us make room in our heart and in our day for the Lord. Each Christian family can first of all – as Mary and Joseph did – welcome Jesus, listen to Him, speak with Him, guard Him,protect Him, grow with Him, and in this way improve the World.”(Pope Francis, Christmas 2014).
We celebrate at Christmas what so many are seeking. We focus our attention on that which will give peace to many who are lonely, uneasy with themselves, and who are searching for meaning in their lives.
This Christmas let us draw strength from the Holy Family and hope from the message they offer, as they continue to be part of our lives.
I pray this Christmas that the light of Christ will enlighten your homes and streets with peace, love, joy and hope.
Happy Christmas to all!
Most Reverend Leslie Tomlinson
Bishop of Sandhurst, Australia